Affiliated Societies

How to Apply for Affiliate Status


AHPT, Art Historians Interested in Pedagogy and Technology

Founded: 2001

Membership: 100

Annual dues: No annual dues, but donations are most welcome to cover costs of affiliation with CAA

Purpose: This nonprofit, national society promotes the sharing of technological applications for the teaching of art history; fosters discussion and exploration of skill-based and student-centered approaches to learning; and seeks to advance broader understanding and evaluation of existing and emerging technologies for art history.

Representative: Marjorie Och,


CAA, College Art Association

Founded: 1911

Purpose: CAA promotes excellence in scholarship and teaching in the history and criticism of the visual arts and in creativity and technical skill in the teaching and practices of art; facilitates the exchange of ideas and information among those interested in art and history of art; advocates comprehensive and inclusive education in the visual arts; speaks for the membership on issues affecting the visual arts and humanities; publishes scholarship, criticism, and artists' writings; fosters career development and professional advancement; identifies and develops sources of funding for the practice of art and for scholarship in the arts and humanities; honors accomplishments of artists, art historians, and critics; and articulates and affirms the highest ethical standards in the conduct of the profession.

Representative: Doreen Davis, Member Services,


ATSAH, Association for Textual Scholarship in Art History

Founded: 1991

Annual dues: $20

Purpose: To promote the study and publication of art-historical primary sources and to facilitate communication among scholars working with art, emblems, literature, and music, ranging from classical art to the present. ATSAH publishes an annual newsletter, reviews important scholarship, and organizes sessions and conference at international and national conferences.  ATSAH is an affiliated member of SECAC, CAA, RSA and SRAH.

Representative: Liana Cheney,


SESAH, Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians

Founded: 1983

Annual dues: $20 student; $35 individual; $40 library subscription.

Purpose: To promote scholarship on architecture and related subjects and to serve as a forum for ideas among architectural historians, architects, preservationists, and others involved in professions related to the built environment. SESAH is a regional chapter of the national Society of Architectural Historians and includes eleven states in the South. It holds an annual meeting, publishes a newsletter and an annual journal, ARRIS, and presents annual awards.

Representative: Laura H. Hollengreen,


FATE, Foundations in Art: Theory and Education

Founded: 1977

Annual dues: Membership Fees.

Purpose: FATE is a national organization dedicated to promoting excellence in the development and teaching of college-level foundation courses in both studio art and art history. FATE's mission is to provide a forum that encourages exchange, development of strategies, goals and understanding in the foundation art curriculum. FATE's principle activities include the sponsorship of conferences and publications; it publishes a newsletter and an annual journal.

Representative: Lily Kuonen,

VRA, Visual Resources Association

Founded: 1982

Annual dues: $45 Student/Retired/Unemployed; $85 New Member (first-time individual member); $115 Individual; $300 Institutional (3 named representatives receive the privileges of full membership).

Purpose: VRA is a multi-disciplinary organization dedicated to furthering research and education in the field of image management within the educational, cultural heritage, and commercial environments. The Association is committed to providing leadership in the visual resources field, developing and advocating standards, and offering educational tools and opportunities for the benefit of the community at large. The VRA implements these goals through publication programs and educational activities.

Representative: Millie Fullmer, 

MACAA, Mid-America College Art Association

Founded: 1932

Membership: 500

Annual dues: Varies by Conference: 2 year membership fee can be purchased at

Purpose: MACAA is an organization that promotes and fosters the making and teaching of art at the university and college level in the mid-America region, seeks to enhance the condition of the profession through the communication of new ideas, concepts, processes, and theories of concern to the membership, and holds a biennial conference for the professional benefit of the membership. Membership is open to institutions, faculty, and students through attendance at the biennial conference.

Representative: Heather Hertel, 


SGC International

Founded: 1973

Membership: 1050

Annual dues: $35 student; $75 regular

Purpose: To educate the public and promote the appreciation of the art of making original prints, books, handmade paper, and drawing. SGCI serves as a resource to educational and nonprofit organizations, universities, and the public at large, providing for the exchange of technical and critical information on the art of printmaking. SGCI promotes the art of printmaking through traveling print exhibitions, annual national conferences and the publication of a newsletter. Though it began as a regional organization, SGCI has grown to represent a national and international voice.

Representative: Zack Fitchner, 


Society for Paragone Studies

Founded: 2012

Membership: 92

Annual dues: $25 Regular; Graduate Student $15, Undergraduate $5, FIA Member $17.50

PurposeThe ‘Society for Paragone Studies’ is a professional scholarly society intended to further the study of inter-arts relationships.  Specifically, paragone studies, which is a term that was popular in the Renaissance to describe rivalry between the arts through a comparative method, is interpreted in the broadest terms to include contemporary and historical relationships dating to antiquity between different media.  At this historical moment in the twenty-first century, when artistic media have grown and proliferated in new digital and multimedia forms, it is even more relevant to promote inter-arts scholarship.  This society unites scholars who research in this area, offering opportunities for an exchange of ideas.

Representative: Sarah Lippert, 


Historians of Netherlandish Art

Founded: 1983

Membership: 750, and 30 institutional members.

Dues: see

Historians of Netherlandish Art is an international organization founded in 1983 to foster communication and collaboration among historians of Northern European art from medieval to modern times. Its membership comprises scholars, teachers, museum professionals, art dealers, publishers, book dealers, and collectors throughout the world. The art and architecture of the Netherlands (Dutch and Flemish), and of Germany and France, as it relates to the Netherlands, from about 1350 to 1750, forms the core of members' interests. For information on joining HNA, click here.

Representative: Arthur J. DiFuria,