
The SECAC Artist’s Fellowship

SECAC is an organization devoted to the promotion of art in higher education through facilitating cooperation among teachers and administrators in universities and colleges‚ professional institutions and the community served by their institutions.The SECAC Fellowship was established in 1981 for the purpose of supporting member artists and to encourage individual creative growth‚ the development of new ideas for exhibitions and creative projects. Through this program‚ SECAC can more completely serve member artists and institutions.

SECAC Artist's Fellowship Past Winners

Fellowship Amount

$5000.00 to be awarded to an individual artist or to a group of artists working together on a specific project.


Any member of SECAC may apply; all group applications require membership for all in the group. Memberships must be current at the time of review. The cost of individual membership is $70.00. Apply for membership online and pay by check or by MasterCard/Visa/Discover. Previous grant recipients must wait five years before re-applying.

Responsibility of Grantee

No restrictions are made by SECAC on how the fellowship funds are expended. SECAC requests that the fellows provide documentation of the project or work produced during the fellowship period (one year from receipt of fellowship money). Documentation may take the form of an exhibition at the subsequent annual SECAC conference‚ a catalogue or other publication form‚ an exhibition of the work exhibited at another institution during the fellowship period‚ a presentation or other proposed and accepted form of documentation. There is no fee for application for the fellowship.

Responsibility of SECAC

The full amount of the fellowship will be paid to the fellow (or group of artists working jointly) when the fellow agrees to accept the award and the conditions of the award. The host institution of the subsequent SECAC conference agrees to attempt to accommodate any exhibition/installation proposed by the fellow.

Application Requirements

  •  Simply email Scott Betz at notifying him you wish to submit a proposal. This email deadline is August 1. He will respond by email by August 7 with an invitation for you to share your proposal in a private Dropbox folder. You will then have until August 14 to add your PDF to the folder (sample response letter with guidelines below). 



     Dear SECAC member,

     Thanks for starting the submission process for the 2017 SECAC Artist Fellowship.

     You have until August 14 to add your information PDF to the folder connected to this email. I will confirm your submission within the week. You will need to be a current member to participate. Non-members will not be forwarded to the selection committee.

     Below are the guidelines. Incomplete or late submissions cannot be accepted.

     Application Requirements

    • Digital entries only.

    • Submit one pdf file that contains:

    • A 2-3 page CV of the applicant artist or of each artist in a group application including all contact info. (email, mailing address, phone number, etc.).

    • A project proposal, limited to one page in length. Clearly describe the work and the intentions for the fellowship funds.

    • 10 images, sampled at 72 ppi, high quality (maximum) setting. Include artist name, title, media, dimensions, date at the bottom of each image.

    • Video files should be included in the PDF as clickable web link(s). Multiple videos are acceptable. Up to 10 minutes of total video footage will be reviewed.

    • Entries must be submitted as one PDF document via response to this email into your folder in dropbox

    • Title your PDF exactly as such:

    • FirstnameLastname_ProjectTitle.pdf

    Example: ScottBetz_RustAndSatin.pdf


     About Dropbox:

     All new Dropbox accounts and downloads, including the desktop and mobile apps, are totally free.

     Dropbox Basic accounts start with 2 GB of free space. 



Notifications of request to create a Dropbox account for the selection process from member to Betz must be submitted via Gmail by August 1, 2017 at midnight EDT and Member submits all final PDFs materials to Dropbox by August 14, 2017 at midnight EDT. August 1 is your first deadline for consideration- not August 14.

A committee composed of SECAC members and/or host conference faculty selects the Artists Fellowship recipient at the annual SECAC meeting. The award winner is recognized at the meeting and all applicants are notified of the committee’s decision within 60 days of the end of the meeting.

Questions? Contact: