
The William R. Levin Award for Research in the History of Art

Thanks to the generosity of William R. Levin, Professor Emeritus at Centre College, Danville, KY, SECAC offers an award of an annual total of $5,000 to one or more art historians who are members of the organization. Dr. Levin has been a member of SECAC since 1987; served on the Board of Directors; published in the scholarly journal The Southeastern College Art Conference Review; received the SECAC Award for Excellence in Scholarly Research and Publication in 2004; and been recognized with two of the organization’s highest honors, the Excellence in Teaching Award and the Exemplary Achievement Award.

Levin endowed this award in 2013 to encourage and recognize research in art history. Applicants may be established scholars or those newer to the field. On a yearly basis, each applicant will propose one project that may be in the planning stage or partially realized. The purpose of the award is to enable completion of the proposed project likely resulting in publication, and to this end funds may be used for travel, supplies, fees, assistance, or other purposes. At its 2013 annual meeting, convened in Greensboro, NC, the Board of Directors of SECAC approved application procedures and deadline as well as the composition of a review committee. The first recipient of the Levin Award was announced at the 2014 meeting in Sarasota, FL. Directions for applying for the 2017 award are below, and the recipient will be named at the 2017 meeting in Columbus, Ohio. Award monies will be available at the conference.

William R. Levin Award Past Winners

Any member of SECAC may apply. SECAC membership must be current at the time of application and at the time of the use of the funds. Once the grant has been in place, previous grant recipients must wait 3 years before re-applying. Generally, this is a post-doctoral award, and not to be used to finish MA theses or PhD dissertations. The award will be in support of research to be done after the annual conference. U.S. citizenship mandatory.

Responsibility of Grantee
No restrictions are made by SECAC on how the fellowship funds are expended. Conference papers and publications based on the project are encouraged. SECAC requests that fellows provide a brief report to the board describing how the funds were spent during the fellowship period (one year from receipt of fellowship money). Award recipients should acknowledge the Levin Award in any resulting publications. There is no fee for application for the fellowship. 

Responsibility of SECAC
The full amount of the fellowship will be paid to the fellow when the fellow agrees to accept the award and the conditions of the award.

To Apply:
Create a single PDF with the following information: 

  • A 2-3 page CV of the applicant including all contact information (email, mailing address, phone number, etc.)
  • A project proposal, limited to one page in length. Clearly describe the project and include a detailed budget on how fellowship monies will be spent and anticipated publication outcomes.  Proposals should be single-spaced, 10- to 12-point font and standard margins.
  • A selected bibliography, one page
  • Additional supporting materials, limited to ten (10) pages. This should not be a longer version of the proposal, but rather something that would enhance the committee’s understanding of the proposal, and could include images, maps, or a publication relating to the topic. Entries must be submitted as one PDF document
  • Title your PDF exactly as such:
    Example: Boyles.James_LevinAward.pdf

    Email your file to: . Make your subject line state your Lastname.Firstname Levin Award application. (for example, Boyles.James Levin Award application)

    Entries must be submitted by September 1, 2017 at midnight EST. The award winner will be announced at the annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio in October 2017.  all applicants are notified of the committee’s decision within 60 days of the end of the meeting.

    To Contribute:
    Donations to this account should be accompanied by an explanatory note and addressed to: Trust Department, Farmers National Bank of Danville, Kentucky, 304 West Main Street, Danville, Kentucky 40422. All such contributions 
    contributions are considered tax-exempt according to the code of the Internal Revenue Service.