SECAC Review: Notes for Contributors

Submission of Manuscript

Authors interested in submitting manuscripts should send either a digital copy (preferred) or three (3) paper copies with reproductions of all figures. Digital versions should be sent to Rachel Stephens at . Hard copies should be sent to Rachel Stephens, 1731 Third Street, New Orleans, LA 70113.

The author's name and contact information must only appear on a separate cover page.


Articles generally are 5,000 to 9,000 words.

Style Guideline

The text must be double-spaced with 12-point font, printed on one side of each sheet. If digital, the file must be in Microsoft Word format. The text and endnotes must be in English and conform to the Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition). All notes must be endnotes. For ease in editing, please use underlining for all words that are to be italicized. Unless otherwise specified, underlined words will be italicized in the printed article.


All manuscripts should include copies of images that the author wishes to include as illustrations for the article. There should be no more than ten images. A list of figures, including all caption material (artist, title, date, dimensions, owner and any other pertinent information), should be included with the manuscript.

If the manuscript is selected for publication, it is the responsibility of the author to promptly procure high quality reproductions of all illustrations as well as the rights to publish the images. Images should be 300 (or higher) dpi digital files.


  • separate page with author's name and contact information
  • three copies (if paper format) or Microsoft Word format (if digital)
  • double-spaced text
  • endnotes
  • Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition) format
  • copies of all illustrations
  • list of figures with all caption information
  • self-addressed stamped envelope (if you want the manuscript returned)


Correspondence regarding book reviews should be sent to the book review editor: Preston Thayer, 1500 Prince Edward Street, Fredericksburg VA 22401.  .

Correspondence regarding exhibition reviews should be sent to the exhibition review editor: Kristina Olson, School of Art and Design, West Virginia University, P.O. Box 6111, Morgantown, WV 26506-6111.  .


July 1. Review of all submissions will begin after this date.

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